International CTEPH Conferences

The next ICC will take place in September 2023 in San Diego, USA.

For further details on the ICC 2023 programme and online registration, please visit the conference webpage CTEPH2023

The ICA is proud to host one of the largest gatherings in CTEPH: the triennial International CTEPH Conference (ICC).

Since more than 10 years, the ICCs attract several hundred physicians from across the globe to join in lively chats with colleagues, peruse hard-to-diagnose cases and discuss the latest clinical findings to improve clinical practice and patient management.

So far, the International CTEPH Association has successfully held five CTEPH conferences: Vienna 2008, Cambridge 2011, Paris 2014, Leuven 2017 and Bad Nauheim 2021.

The next ICC will take place in September 2023 in San Diego, USA. To stay up to date on registrations and abstract submissions for ICC conferences, sign up to become a member of the ICA.