International CTEPH Association (ICA)
The International CTEPH Association is an organisation of physicians, surgeons and other medically qualified professionals committed to advancing the diagnosis and treatment of CTEPH, and thus improving the clinical outcome and long-term care for affected patients.
The Association’s key objectives are to:
• Increase awareness of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH)
• Advance research and evaluate new therapeutic approaches in CTEPH
• Foster worldwide collaboration among CTEPH centres
• Improve education to facilitate training and improving education of emerging centres
• Provide clinical expert opinion to surgical and interventional centres
The ICA is dedicated to working together with patient organisations and partners to reach these objectives. The Association ensures that all projects undertaken are to the benefit of patients exclusively and remain independent of commercial interest.
Current ongoing initiatives:
• New International CTEPH registry
• International BPA registry
• Triennial International Conference on CTEPH
Joint ISHLT / ICA CTEPH conference in Boston
The ICA and the International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation (ISHLT) proudly invite you to their first jointly organised CTEPH Conference, held on 26 April 2025 in Boston alongside the ISHLT’s 45th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions. For the preliminary programme and to register, please click here.